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ViewObservationWellReport.AquiferParametersMeasuredWere aquifer parameters (transmissivity and storativity) determined – yes or no.
ViewObservationWellReport.ChangeToAddressProblemDescribe change or mitigation method used to address the interference problem. (i.e. connected impacted source to public water system, driller source deeper, etc.)
ViewObservationWellReport.CommentAquiferAnalysisComment on aquifer analysis.
ViewObservationWellReport.CommentExistingDemandComment on method used to calculate Average Daily Demand or Project Design Flow (i.e. number of bedrooms X appropriate flow in GPD (then converted to GPM). Permitted Yield should be used if Observation Source is part of a Public Water System.
ViewObservationWellReport.CommentInterferenceCalcProvide comment on interference calculation.
ViewObservationWellReport.CommentInterferenceProblemProvide comment on interference problem.
ViewObservationWellReport.CommentYieldProvide explanation of method used to determine the yield above
ViewObservationWellReport.ConsultantSourceNumConsultant Source Name or Number - this may be a name or number (i.e. Well 1, KB-1, Perry Spring, etc.)
ViewObservationWellReport.DateConstructedDate the well was drilled or the spring or dug well was constructed. (MM-DD-YYYY)
ViewObservationWellReport.DateOfChangeDate of change or mitigation.
ViewObservationWellReport.DepthTotal depth of well or spring below top of casing (BTOC) in feet.
ViewObservationWellReport.DesignDrawdownDesign drawdown based on 180 days for TNC and NTNC sources and 180 days average rate X 3 or 7 days at maximum rate for PCWS (in feet below top of casing). For PCWS Residential usage apply 3 days at max rate, for recreational or resort area use apply 7 days at max rate.
ViewObservationWellReport.DirectionDirection Observation Source is from Production Well (i.e. North, South, Southeast).
ViewObservationWellReport.DistanceDistance from production well in feet.
ViewObservationWellReport.DrillersLWBFDriller’s Lowest Water-bearing Fracture (in feet below top of casing).
ViewObservationWellReport.ExistingDemandExisting demand (Average daily demand or project design flow) on the residence or building supplied by the well or spring in gallons per minute. Demand can be estimated using 150 gallons per day per bedroom for a residential unit. Convert the daily demand from GPD to GPM.
ViewObservationWellReport.HydraulicBaseHydraulic Base used in calculations (in feet below top of casing).
ViewObservationWellReport.HydraulicBaseBasisProvide basis for how Hydraulic Base was chosen. Note: the higher of: pump depth, intake level, lowest water bearing fracture or other water level should be used to choose the Hydraulic Base.
ViewObservationWellReport.IntakeDepthDepth of intake if no pump in source (spring) (in feet below top of casing).
ViewObservationWellReport.InterferenceWas any Interference identified in the Observation Well or Spring – Yes or No.
ViewObservationWellReport.InterferenceLossYieldCalculated loss of yield in GPM based on interference at design conditions using ½ driller’s yield or ¼ spring yield or permitted yield (if public water system).
ViewObservationWellReport.InterferencePercentLossYieldCalculated loss of yield as a percent of original yield based on interference at design conditions.
ViewObservationWellReport.InterferenceProblemDetermine whether there is an undue adverse impact due to interference – Yes or No. Due to interference there is not enough yield left to meet the daily demand.
ViewObservationWellReport.LatitudeLatitude of observation source location (Decimal degrees) from consultant.
ViewObservationWellReport.LatitudeLongitudeCommentDWGWPD comment on choice of one set of coordinates over the other (greater accuracy or no record of location).
ViewObservationWellReport.LongitudeLongitude of observation source location (Decimal degrees) from consultant.
ViewObservationWellReport.ObservedDrawdownObserved drawdown in Observation Source (in feet below top of casing).
ViewObservationWellReport.OBsSourceStatusStatus of Observation Source – active, inactive, unused.
ViewObservationWellReport.OtherHydraulicBaseHydraulic Base used if other than pump depth, lowest water bearing fracture, or intake (in feet below top of casing).
ViewObservationWellReport.OtherReportsComments regarding any other Source Evaluation Reports associated with observed well interference.
ViewObservationWellReport.OwnerNameName of the Owner of the Observation Source (i.e. John Smith, Jay Peak).
ViewObservationWellReport.PCWSWellTINWSFNumObservation Well or Spring Facility ID number assigned by DWGWPD if this observation source is part of a Public Water System (i.e. WL001). This is a required field along with WSID. If not a Public System source, leave blank.
ViewObservationWellReport.PumpDepthDepth of pump (in feet below top of casing).
ViewObservationWellReport.RemainingTAHRemaining Total Available Head in feet. Total Available Head minus design drawdown (interference).
ViewObservationWellReport.RemainingYieldRemaining yield in GPM. Original yield (using ½ driller’s yield or ¼ spring yield or permitted yield) minus Interference Loss in Yield.
ViewObservationWellReport.SStorativity value (unitless).
ViewObservationWellReport.SourceTypeSource type: well point, dug well, gravel well, bedrock well or spring (non-pumped).
ViewObservationWellReport.StaticLevelStatic level (in feet below top of casing) before pumping testing.
ViewObservationWellReport.StaticLevelBasisComment on static level measurement.
ViewObservationWellReport.StaticLevelDateDate of static level measurement. (MM-DD-YYYY)
ViewObservationWellReport.TTransmissivity value in Square feet/day.
ViewObservationWellReport.TAHTotal Available Head. This is the Static Level minus Hydraulic Base in feet below top of casing.
ViewObservationWellReport.TAHLostCalculate loss in Total Available Head in feet due to Production Well interference at design drawdown rate.
ViewObservationWellReport.TAHPercentLostCalculate loss in Total Available Head (TAH) as a percent of the original TAH based on design conditions.
ViewObservationWellReport.TownTown where observation source is located.
ViewObservationWellReport.WellIDUnique ID number for public or non-public observation sources. (from the Record ID field in WaterWell_ALLPVTWELLS or Missing Wells databases). Sources (springs and dug wells with no Well Completion Reports) not linked to Well databases were given a new Well ID number with 200,000 plus the Object ID value.
ViewObservationWellReport.WellReportNumberWell Completion Report number, if known.
ViewObservationWellReport.WSIDNumberWater System Identification Number assigned by DWGWPD for the Public Water System (i.e. WSID 5609) that the observation source is a part of. This is a required field. If not a Public System, leave blank.
ViewObservationWellReport.YieldDriller’s estimated yield, spring yield, or permitted yield. Note: ½ the Driller’s yield will be used in interference calculations or spring yield lacking a flow study will need to use ¼ of the measured flow.
ViewProductionWellReport.BedrockUnitDescribe bedrock type or formation at well based on most recent Geologic Map of Vermont.
ViewProductionWellReport.CDTSStorativity value from constant discharge test (unitless).
ViewProductionWellReport.CDTSupercedesYes or No. Note indicating if this constant discharge test supersedes a previously completed constant discharge test.
ViewProductionWellReport.CDTTTransmissivity value from constant discharge test in Square feet/day.
ViewProductionWellReport.CommentWellInfoComment on completeness of Production Well and Observation Source data from the Source Evaluation Report.
ViewProductionWellReport.DrillersLWBFDriller’s Lowest Water-bearing Fracture (in feet below top of casing).
ViewProductionWellReport.DrillersStaticLevelStatic level (in feet below top of casing) after construction.
ViewProductionWellReport.OtherHydraulicBaseHydraulic Base used if other than pump depth, lowest water bearing fracture, or intake (in feet below top of casing).
ViewProductionWellReport.OtherHydraulicBaseNoteExplain how and why the Other Hydraulic Base was chosen.
ViewProductionWellReport.OverburdenTypeIndicate overburden noted on well completion report, if available.
ViewProductionWellReport.PCWSSourceSitingRationalDescribe method(s) used to pick Production Well location.
ViewProductionWellReport.PermittedDrawdownDrawdown permitted from previous Source Approval (VDH) or Permit (DEC).
ViewProductionWellReport.PIDProject Identification Number assigned by DWGWPD. This may be a number, or a number with a prefix of E-, V-, S-, N-, or T- (i.e. S-1191). This is a required field.
ViewProductionWellReport.PumpSettingInTestDepth to pump intake used in discharge test (in feet below top of casing).
ViewProductionWellReport.ScreenBottomDepthIf Production Well is a gravel well with a screen.
ViewProductionWellReport.ScreenTopDepthIf Production Well is a gravel well with a screen.
ViewProductionWellReport.SourceHydraulicBaseHydraulic Base used in calculations (in feet below top of casing). Note: the higher of: pump intake depth, lowest water bearing fracture, constant discharge test drawdown or other water level should be used to choose the Hydraulic Base.
ViewProductionWellReport.STBAquifer Head loss coefficient (B) from step-drawdown test in feet/gpm.
ViewProductionWellReport.STCTurbulent Head loss coefficient (C) from step-drawdown test
ViewProductionWellReport.SurficialUnitDescribe surficial geologic unit at well (based on 1970 Surficial Geologic Map of Vermont or more recent map).
ViewProductionWellReport.TAHTotal Available Head. This is the Static Level minus Hydraulic Base in feet below top of casing.
ViewProductionWellReport.TownTown where Production Well is located.
ViewProductionWellReport.ttats0value at t/t' when drawdown = 0 based on recovery test data in minutes.
ViewProductionWellReport.WellAnalysisMethodComments regarding aquifer analysis method(s) used to develop the proposed source yield.
ViewProductionWellReport.WellAnalysisOtherNoteAny additional notes on the well yield analysis and interference.
ViewProductionWellReport.WellReportNumberWell Completion Report number, if known.
ViewProductionWellReport.WellTagNumberWell Tag number, if known. For newer wells, the tag number may be the same as the Well Completion Report number.
ViewProductionWellReport.WSIDNumberWater System Identification Number assigned by DWGWPD for the Public Water System (i.e. WSID 5609) that the Production Well is a part of. This is a required field.